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  • Writer's pictureLibby Mettam MLA


For over a month now, Premier Roger Cook has willfully neglected the criminal behaviour and allegations that have continued to rear their ugly head regarding the CFMEU.


As the WA Liberal leader, I’ve continued to call on the Cook Labor Government to sever ties with the CFMEU and to return their $25,000 in donations which was received this financial year.


Last Friday, it was announced by Federal Attorney General, Mark Dreyfus, that all branches of the CFMEU would be placed into administration effective immediately.


The WA branch of the CFMEU has a dual registration for federal and state governed work sites, which allows convicted criminals to ply their trade on sites governed by WA-state laws but not by Federal laws which will mean the WA CFMEU can continue to operate here in the same way it always has.


That is why I am now calling on Roger Cook to expedite laws to put the CFMEU into administration at a state level, matching his federal Labor counterparts as well as Labor Premier’s in NSW and QLD.


WA must not become a criminal sanctuary for the CFMEU.




The 2024 WA road toll will be the worst in more than a decade. With 118 deaths to date this year and four months to go, averaging a death every other day on our roads, 2024 is tragically on track to be one of our worst.


Whilst Labor promised that there would be a 50% to 70% reduction in road deaths by 2030, on the current trajectory, road deaths will sadly have risen by 70% in the last four years.


In June of this year, it was also reported in The West Australian that one in five positions for officers in road policing command were empty.


Despite these continued tragedies, the best Roger Cook could offer up was a talkfest in the middle of September.

After a call for immediate action to save Western Australian lives by the WA Liberals, the summit will now be in early September.

Western Australia deserves better than a Premier who is all talk.



Last week marked 200 days before the next state election, due on March 8 2025.

With Western Australians being less safe, being slugged record fees and charges, waiting longer for a hospital bed or a roof over their head all during an unprecedented mining revenue boom, it’s clear that WA deserves better.

This is exactly what our candidates are hearing in the field. Whether it’s speaking with families, small business or community groups, the message we hear loud and clear is that the Cook Labor government has turned their back on them.

As we get closer to March 8, my WA Liberal team, which I’m proud to lead, will continue to offer a strong and united alternative government, it’s what Western Australians deserve.


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