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  • Writer's pictureLibby Mettam MLA

WA Liberal candidates have hit the ground running

Just over a week ago, State Council ratified 13 grassroots, community driven Liberals to take the fight up to Labor, both here in WA and across Australia and to make the case that WA deserves better.


I’m proud that our Liberal party pre-selection reforms have led to the selection of a formidable team of candidates to win back Government in 2025.


In particular I would like to congratulate, Amanda Spencer-Teo, Sandra Brewer, Nitin Vashisht, Bronwyn Waugh, Nicole Robins and Owen Mulder who join the strong state WA Liberal Party team as candidates for their respective electorates.


 I joined several of our new candidates in their electorates this week to listen to the issues and concerns of locals and local small businesses. It’s clear they’re ready to do all they can to fight for the communities they know and love.

WA Police exodus continues


This week we learnt a harrowing truth from the Cook Labor Government, our Western Australian police force is on its knees at a time when our streets are facing an unprecedented wave of crime.


In the past 2 years alone, nearly 1000 police officers have left the force all while violent assaults have exploded by over 40% since WA Labor came to office.


In 2021, the Police Minister Paul Papalia promised Western Australians that 950 officers above attrition would be recruited by early-2024. The damning revelations we’ve heard this week prove that this Government has failed to recruit enough officers to keep Western Australians safe.


This means that our police force will continue to face unprecedent pressure and demand as they fight to keep Western Australians, their businesses and their families safe.


The Cook Labor Government is failing our front-line police officers and are failing to protect Western Australians.


Paul Papalia and Roger Cook must take full responsibility for this debacle that continues to put all Western Australians at risk.


WA embassy a flop


Remember when Roger Cook claimed that Western Australia would be getting an embassy in Canberra? I stated at the time that it was a bad joke.


Well, last week we learnt about Roger Cook’s grand plans for the WA embassy. The embassy will consist of a front desk administration area to be manned by one person accompanied by a small meeting room. This bad joke has now become an embarrassing reality.


What Western Australia really needs is a Premier who will do their job and stand up for WA against a Federal Labor Government which is increasingly proving itself to be anti-Western Australian, putting our jobs and industry at risk.


An empty office falls well short of the state needs and Roger Cook will be remembered as the Premier who promised much and delivered nothing.


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