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Valma (Val) Gwendoline Hicks

Val Hicks passed away recently aged ninety nine (99) years after suffering poor health for the last few years. Val grew up in an era of significant change. Val married her husband Bill and for a number of years farmed around Byford. Val and Bill were both stalwarts of the Byford Branch of the Liberal Party. Sadly, Bill passed away in the 1990’s.

I first met Val when she volunteered during the Canning Campaign in the 1998 election. Val was a determined and loyal Liberal Party member who always gave her all in campaigns, supporting events and meetings. Val always volunteered to work on polling day and pre-poll centres, often for many hours right up until a few years ago.

In more recent years Val lived in South Guildford. Val transferred her membership to the Hollywood/Monash Branch in Curtin Division in the year 1999- 2000, however she remained an Associate member of the Byford Branch for sometime after. Val held many positions in the Hollywood –Monas Branch and always enjoyed attending the annual State Conference as the Branch delegate. Val was also an active member of Curtin Women’s Committee and one of the branch delegates to the Committee prior to the Constitutional changes in 2008 that then ensured all women in the Division were members of the Women’s Committee.

Val was also a member of National Council of Women WA and always looked forward to receiving the NCWWA Newsletter by post. Val had a mobile phone for many years however email and the internet was a stretch too far. Val actively kept her interest in politics (both Federal and State) even through her ailing health and was always right up to date, sometimes expressing her disappointment and sometimes her joy!

On behalf of the Liberal Party of Western Australia our deepest condolences go to her two sons, Russel and Kim, their wives, grandchildren and great-grandchildren and their families.


Robyn Nolan

Curtin Division


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