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  • Writer's pictureLibby Mettam MLA

The Pilbara Deserves Better

The Pilbara region is the engine room of our state’s economy.

75% of WA’s exports occur from the Pilbara, the region contributed over $8 billion in royalties alone to our state’s coffers in 2022 and it’s forecasted to support over 60,000 jobs in the years to come.

The success story of the Pilbara region is the success story of Western Australia. The wealth, jobs and prosperity created in the region, have built Western Australia.

Sadly, despite providing so many economic opportunities for our state, the Pilbara is being significantly let down by the Cook Labor Government. This much was evident during my visit to the region last week.

Close to 50% of people who show up at the emergency department are waiting 6 hours for a bed and in the last year alone rent has risen by 120%, crime is up 20% and stealing offences are up 110%.

Most concerning is the fact that there is no permanent local psychiatrist to provide much needed mental health assistance to local residents.

It’s clear that WA Labor and Roger Cook don’t care about the region which has delivered them billions of dollars in surpluses since coming to office. The Pilbara has been neglected and abandoned by this government.

There is one person that is fighting on the ground to ensure the Pilbara is represented by a local voice that will work to deliver the services and attention her community deserves – our local Liberal candidate Amanda Kailis.

The Pilbara deserves better and in Amanda Kailis, that’s exactly what they’ll get.


Federal Council


As Liberals, it is in our DNA to strive to be better and do better – for our families and our communities.

We believe in the great human freedoms; to think, to speak, to choose… to be ambitious.

And it is the fundamental values our party was built upon which will play a big part in our pitch to the people of WA at the 2025 State Election.

This was my message at the 64th Federal Council in Sydney last week.

It was a pleasure to stand shoulder to shoulder with my fellow members of the Western Australian delegation, proudly representing our state, as I discussed our achievements in opposition so far and our vision for WA.


Whether it’s banning harmful puberty blockers to protect our children, overturning the ban on new uranium mining leases or unleashing over $318 billion of projects caught in green tape to generate wealth and prosperity for our great state.

The WA Liberal Party I lead will remain true to our tried and tested values.

If you’re interested in reading my speech, you can check it out now on my website


Labor’s Cost-Of-Living “Relief” An Administrative Disaster

Labor’s Student Assistance Payment has been an administrative disaster, with tens of millions of dollars failing to reach those who desperately need assistance.

From the get-go this announcement has been marred by mistakes. Shockingly, this announcement was made deep into the school term and at a time when many families had already purchased their school supplies – why did it take them so long?

Many parents have struggled to access the payments online with some waiting months for an approved application, only to find out at the last minute that they’re ineligible.

And this week we’ve learnt that the Cook Labor Government intends to pocket $35 million of promised relief, refusing to extend the deadline to those parents that have struggled with their dodgy applications system.

Fewer than half of students in the Pilbara and Kimberley have received payment.

This is typical WA Labor – good at announcements, terrible with delivery.

We’ve called on Roger Cook to extend the deadline for applications to ensure every cent of their “promised” relief is delivered to Wester Australian families who need it most.



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