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  • Writer's pictureSenator the Hon. Linda Reynolds CSC

Statement on Preselection

With nominations for WA Liberal Party Senate preselection closing later this week, I have advised the WA Liberal Party that I will not be nominating as a candidate for another term as a Liberal Senator for Western Australia.

I will remain in the Senate until my term ends in June 2025.

For forty years I have proudly served my nation in the Army, in the Liberal Party, in defence industry, in Parliament and in Government. In my career after the Senate, I will continue to serve, but in new ways.

It is rare in politics to have the opportunity to choose the time and circumstances of your departure, and my decision has been made after considerable reflection of what is behind me and the opportunities that are now ahead of me.

Being preselected and elected to the Senate is a great honour and a privilege few Australians are afforded.

This is my tenth year in the Senate and my passion and commitment to my State and to my Nation remains as strong as ever.

I am proud of what I have delivered in my many parliamentary and ministerial roles, including as Defence Minister and Minister for Government Services and the NDIS - particularly as it was during some of the most challenging times in our Nation’s recent history.

Just as the health of our democracy can never be taken for granted, neither can the health of political parties – both must be constantly renewed and strengthened. I joined the Liberal Party over 35 years ago and my respect for, and belief in, the principles and values it was established on have only deepened over time.

I owe the Liberal Party so much, none more so than for being appointed as Deputy Federal Director and preselected as a Senate candidate three times, including in the first position for my last election. I am very grateful for the lifelong friendships I have made in the Party and for the overwhelming support I continue to receive from WA Liberal Party members and volunteers who have helped me over the last decade.

I will of course keep working with my Party to assist it to diversify and strengthen and do all I can to support the election of Peter Dutton as our next Prime Minister and Libby Mettam as WA’s next Premier.

Having achieved more than I set out to when I entered the Senate, there is no perfect time to leave politics, but this is the right time for me and for the WA Liberal Party to provide my successor with the same opportunities it has given me


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