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  • Writer's pictureSenator the Hon. Michaelia Cash

Labor Caught Out Using ‘Australian Made’ For Its Political Purposes

The Australian Labor Party has been caught using the trademarked ‘Australian Made’ logo for political purposes.


The ALP website features the trade marked ‘Australian Made’ logo as part of a petition about the Future Made in Australia which seeks to capture voter information.


The Australia Made logo is a brand we all know and love and trust, so we have to call out Labor ripping it off to politically profit.


Labor’s rip-off has also reached the Cabinet. We have uncovered that Labor has created a rip-off ‘Australian Made’ logo which is being used by senior Labor ministers including the Deputy Prime Minister.


This is a calculated campaign from Labor and the Albanese Government. It is something you’d expect from dodgy companies, not our national leaders.


What message does this unacceptable behaviour send to hard-working manufacturers paying fees, in addition to all their other rising costs, to support the work of this world-leading trade mark?


This is now a test for the Prime Minister, will he do the right thing and stick up for the ‘Australian Made’ brand or will he let his team continue to rip-off our country by continuing this unacceptable activity.


Even if they take down these posts, damage is done.


Australians deserve to know who is behind this and who is responsible for ripping off this brand.


Labor must commit to not using data captured through this petition and explain why it has misused this important national asset.


Labor Government Failure On Real Incomes

Latest data shows Australia is lagging behind peer nations when it comes to real wages.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has found real wages in Australia are now 4.8% below pre-pandemic levels.


And alarmingly, employee real wages have collapsed by nearly 9% under the Albanese Labor Government.


Whether it's inflation or real wages, Australia is at the back of the pack because of Labor's economic mismanagement.


Regrettably, Australians don't need data to know this - they are feeling the pain every single day.




As calls to debt helplines rise sharply, the Prime Minister claims there are better times.

After two years in Government, he has no positive detail to convey to the Australian public.


It has a ring of the Voice about it. Before the last election, the Prime Minister promised a Voice without providing any detail to the Australian public.


He promised Australians he would deliver a $275 reduction in electricity prices, on 97 occasions.


Anthony Albanese said he would reduce the cost of people's home mortgages. Some 12 interest rate hikes later, that hasn't happened.


None of it's happened, and in fact, 12 core promises have been broken in a two year period.


Now the Prime Minister now is telling us that there are better times ahead. Labor can't be trusted.




After two years of Labor, the cost of essentials has increased:

  • Food is up 11.4% - as well as

  • Housing up 14.0%;

  • Rents up 14.2%;

  • Electricity up 21.5%;

  • Gas up  22.2%;

  • Health up 11.1%; and

  • Education up 10.9%.


And now, millions of Australians are facing a double whammy of higher internet costs with NBN prices going up again from July, the second price-hike in just eight months.


This is what happens when you have a big spending Labor Government that has no economic plan.


It avoids any mention of its own $315 billion wild spending spree - spending our money, not Labor's.


In this year's budget, Labor increased spending by $4 for every dollar it raised.


Before Labor was elected and under the Coalition Government, a typical Australian family could secure a new variable rate home loan at 2.4 per cent, paying $35,000 a year.


Now the new loan variable interest rate is 6.3 per cent which is costing Australian families an extra $21,000 in after-tax dollars.


Labor is doing nothing to curb home-grown inflation - because it's Labor that is fuelling inflation. Labor’s cost of living con job is hurting people every single day.


Do You Feel Any Better Off?

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese loves to tell Australians how well he reckons things are going in this country under his Government.


Last week his ministers, other Labor members and Senators also spent an extraordinary amount of time trying to tell Australians how good they’ve got it.


They trotted out a whole lot of lines about all the extra dollars Australians would supposedly have in their pockets from July 1 as a direct result of their Government.


Labor keeps promising life will be easier. But that is the same promise they made when they were first elected over two years ago.


The reality for hardworking Australian families and small business owners who I talk to is very different. They tell me they are a lot worse off than they were two years ago.


The cost-of-living crisis is out of control and shows no signs of abating.


You can read my latest op-ed in the West online here.


Labor’s Energy Policy Trainwreck

Every single week since Labor took office, 600 households on average have been plunged into hardship arrangements with their electricity retailer - because they can't pay their bills.


Union leaders in the UK understand that nuclear energy is clean, safe, and consistent. It’s a pity their Australian counterparts aren’t up for the debate.

Even former Australian Workers' Union secretary Dan Walton said: "If Australia wants to accelerate along the path to becoming a zero-carbon economy, this is a golden opportunity to create the capacity to build small modular reactors capable of powering energy-hungry manufacturing."


It’s passing strange that Anthony Albanese says he’s a supporter of AUKUS and nuclear-powered submarines, but he and his Government have spent the past week and more saying that nuclear energy is risky to the Australian people.


Australia should join the world’s 20 largest economies that are using nuclear energy or moving towards it, reverse the nuclear ban and deliver zero-emissions nuclear energy - which has proven to get electricity prices and emissions down all over the world.


The Dangers Of Labor’s Decision To Axe The Cashless Debit Card

A federal government report has exposed the sad truth that Labor’s ideological decision to abolish the Cashless Debit Card is having devastating consequences on some of our most vulnerable communities.


This is just as the Coalition warned would occur.


Labor repeatedly ignored the Coalition's warnings.


And in response to this report, Minister for Social Services Amanda Rishworth has been proudly trumpeting the suggestion that causal statements cannot be issued from the report’s analysis.


Minister Rishworth is using this line as a get-out-of-jail-free card to blatantly ignore the Indigenous voices of participants in the CDC program.


Not only has violence, public drinking, intoxication and gambling increased as predicted but we are also seeing children not being fed or clothed property, failing to attend school and roaming the streets unsupervised at night.


The tragedy here is not only for the communities experiencing a spike in alcohol-fuelled violence, but for the children that are being neglected and put in harm’s way as a result.


This report is a reminder of the need to address the real causes of harm and disadvantage in Indigenous communities.


It also highlights that the majority of stakeholders were disappointed with the cessation of the CDC and the insufficient support services to assist people transitioning off income management.


Despite this, Labor deceivingly attempted to keep these findings out of the media, having released the report late at night after a fortnight of parliamentary sitting weeks.


No children should go without food, clothing and basic necessities, and if the Government truly cared, it would have done everything in its power to address these societal issues after more than two years of political games.


The Minister for Social Services must let go of her ideological opposition to the CDC and reinstate it immediately.


Hope For Families Fighting Neuroblastoma

The Coalition welcomes the announcement that every Australian child with high-risk Neuroblastoma will be provided free access to the groundbreaking new medicine, known as DFMO, in Australian hospitals.


Neuroblastoma is an extremely rare and aggressive childhood cancer occurring most commonly between the ages of 0-5 years. Tragically, only 50% of children diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma will survive. However, access to DFMO has been found to dramatically improve survival rates.


The Coalition recognised that children fighting high risk Neuroblastoma could not afford to wait.

We have been calling on the Government to support Australian families with accessing this potentially lifesaving treatment, through estimates hearings, on the floor of Parliament and in letters to the Minister.


But it is the passionate advocacy of these families, who have experienced the heartbreak of supporting their child fight this insidious cancer, that has led to this announcement. 


The Coalition calls on the States and Territories to now facilitate this treatment without delay.


Let’s Get Australia Back On Track

As Peter Dutton explains, first we will rein in inflationary spending to take the pressure off inflation.


  1. We will not spend $13.7 billion on corporate welfare for green hydrogen and critical minerals.

  2. We will wind-back Labor’s intervention and remove regulatory roadblocks which are suffocating the economy and stopping businesses from getting ahead. We will condense approval processes and cut back on Labor’s red tape which is killing mining, jobs, and entrepreneurialism.

  3. We will remove the complexity and hostility of Labor’s industrial relations agenda which is putting unreasonable burdens on businesses. For example, we will revert to the former Coalition Government’s simple definition of a casual worker and create certainty for our 2.5 million small businesses.

  4. We will provide lower, simpler and fairer taxes for all – because Australians should keep more of what they earn.

  5. We will deliver competition policy which gives consumers and smaller businesses a fair go – not lobbyists and big corporations.

  6. And, we will ensure Australians have more affordable and reliable energy.


Our economic plan – with its tried and tested principles – will restore competitiveness and rebuild economic confidence.


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