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  • Writer's pictureLibby Mettam MLA

Health system on life support

Health Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson is full of excuses and out of ideas when it comes to fixing the crises in WA’s health system.

Last week, we learnt about yet another example of the human consequences of the failures by the Health Minister to manage our health system.

A 65-year-old man suffering from stage four cancer was forced to wait in the corridor next to the toilets for six hours at the emergency department of Sir Charles Gardener Hospital.

Shockingly, the same man had the same experience at the same hospital where he was made to wait 4 hours for treatment.

The Health Minister’s latest excuse for the appalling state of the health system was to blame the rain! The lengths this Health Minister will go to avoid scrutiny and accountability is breathtaking.

It has never been clearer that the only way our health system will change is by a change in government.

WA Labor has to go.

If you’d like to learn more you can read my op ed in last week’s West Australian -


Last week, thousands of farmers descended on Muresk to fight against Labor’s disgraceful ban of the live sheep export industry.

Our farming communities are some of the most resilient and unwavering communities you’ll find. Weathering harsh climates, tough markets, and endless red (and green) tape just to survive.

Despite all of this, the Albanese and Cook Labor Governments have turned their backs not only on the live sheep industry, but also the regional communities they support.

Roger Cook feigns outrage by his comrades’ ban but it was his own left faction – the same faction as the Prime Minster and Agriculture Minister – that implemented the ban!

Either he privately supports it, or he is such a lightweight within his own party that they have totally disregarded his views. Either way, it’s an indictment on the Premier.

Don’t forget – this is the same WA Labor Party that thinks West Australians should be getting their protein from tofu, insects, and algae.

Last week’s rally was a powerful reminder of the resilience of our farmers and the communities they represent. They deserve so much better from this government.

A Liberal Government I lead will always stand shoulder to shoulder with our farmers.


When Labor first came to office in 2017, they talked a big game on law and order.

Whether it was promising 1,000 new police officers above attrition, promising new funding for GPS tracking bracelets for domestic violence offenders or promising new anti-knife legislation. The list goes on and on.

The Premier and Police Minister have been big on talk, but weak on delivery.

In fact, we’ve seen the opposite of what WA Labor promised: police are resigning in droves, we’ve seen a 20 per cent increase in knife crime, an alarming 40 per cent increase in violent crime across our state and 1-in-4 women murdered in Australia this year has occurred in Western Australia.

These woeful failures tell the story of a Police Minister and Premier who have turned their back on protecting families, communities and businesses in Western Australia.


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